Tuesday 25 October 2016

Hypothyroidism: To Screen or not to Screen, that is the Question?

Hypothyroidism is an entity that we all encounter in clinical practice, some more frequently than others. At times, this may be due to a referral where another physician has already checked a patient’s thyroid function and made a biochemical diagnosis.

However, very often we are faced with the dilemma of whether we should check the thyroid function of a patient with subtle non-specific complaints. Here, we try to rely on our clinical judgment and strive to appropriately utilize healthcare resources. Scenarios such as this give rise to a host of questions…most importantly…whom do we screen?

There are certain populations around the world that are at a higher risk of having hypothyroidism i.e. those who live in areas of iodine deficiency. This cohort alarmingly accounts for approximately 1/3 of the world’s population and resides in areas such as the mountainous regions of Central Africa, Latin-America and South-East Asia.

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