Tuesday 1 November 2016

Oxidative Stress in Diabetic Neuropathy: Strategies for Treatment

Diabetes is a major public health problem. In 2014, the global prevalence of diabetes was estimated to be 9% among adults aged 18 years old and above. The incidence of diabetes has increased immensely in the past 10 years. The World Health Organization (WHO) projects that diabetes will be the seventh leading cause of death in 2030. 

Diabetic Neuropathy
This alone makes it an epidemic disease. Diabetes is associated with a number of metabolic risk factors that contribute to a high rate of micro and macro vascular events. One of the most common and debilitating complications associated with diabetes is Diabetic Neuropathy (DN); it affects about 10% of patients newly diagnosed with diabetes and more than 50% of patients with longstanding diabetes.

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