Tuesday 2 May 2017

A Novel Val286Ala Polymorphism in the NPXXY Motif of the Sphingosine-1-Phosphate Receptor S1PR2 Associates with the Incidence and Age of Onset of Diabetes

Val286Ala Polymorphism

S1PR2 is one of five known sphingosine-1-phosphate receptors and has recently been discussed to be implicated in the development or progression of diabetes.

Our aim was to identify S1PR2 polymorphisms in the coding region of the human S1PR2 gene and perform association analyses between S1PR2 polymorphisms leading to amino acid exchanges and phenotypic parameters in a clinical study cohort.

Method: We screened the coding region of the S1PR2 gene for polymorphisms resulting in amino acid exchanges in the S1PR2 protein in 40 Caucasian DNA samples from a CEPH control panel.

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