Wednesday 24 May 2017

Progesterone and Melanoma Cells: An Old Story Suspended between Life and Death

Melanoma Cells
Melanoma is a widespread cancer with poor prognosis. Female hormones are known to be capable of influencing melanoma progression but clinical data related to pregnancy, oral contraception and hormone replacement therapy are controversial.

A few reports show that in vitro progesterone (PG) affects melanoma growth in nuclear progesterone receptor (nPR)-positive and nPR-negative cells, but the experimental protocols used are quite different and the results are not univocal. Further research on this topic is thus needed especially in view of the widespread use of PG in clinical practice.

In this study, we used human melanoma cells (A-375), which were cultured in vitro in the presence or absence of a wide range of PG concentrations (from 0.01 to 1000 M) in single treatment.

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